News Archive

Press coverage

"Lychgate once again delivers genuinely brilliant madness." * In the last week Deaf Sparrow (4.4/5), Soil Chronicles (9/10), Gorger's Metal (5/6)* and Support Black Metal have provided interesting and observant write-ups of the latest record. Our Press page has been updated with media coverage material in general. The… Read More…

Further reviews for 'The Contagion...'

The Press section of the website has been updated with a number of very positive reviews for the latest album, including insightful words from Metal Eyes, Heavy Blog Is Heavy, Shieldhouse and Marast Music. Read More…

2018's best metal albums so far

Loudwire just published a list of 2018's best metal albums so far and Lychgate are among those included: Read More…

'The Contagion in Nine Steps' is unleashed!

The new Lychgate album is officially OUT NOW and available at Bandcamp (Name Your Own Price): Read More…