"Lychgate once again delivers genuinely brilliant madness." * In the last week Deaf Sparrow (4.4/5), Soil Chronicles (9/10), Gorger's Metal (5/6)* and Support Black Metal have provided interesting and observant write-ups of the latest record. Our Press page has been updated with media coverage material in general. The… Read More…
The Press section of the website has been updated with a number of very positive reviews for the latest album, including insightful words from Metal Eyes, Heavy Blog Is Heavy, Shieldhouse and Marast Music. Read More…
Loudwire just published a list of 2018's best metal albums so far and Lychgate are among those included: http://loudwire.com/2018-best-metal-albums-so-far/ Read More…
The new Lychgate album is officially OUT NOW and available at Bandcamp (Name Your Own Price):https://blood-music.bandcamp.com/album/the-contagion-in-nine-steps https://blood-music.bandcamp.com/album/the-contagion-in-nine-steps Read More…